R. Healy & Son Funeral Directors is a 24 hour business who cater for all aspects of funeral requirements
- We assist you in every part of the funeral arrangements.
- Arrange and supervise the funeral that you choose.
- Liaise directly, on your behalf, with all persons involved in the ceremonies.
- Pay on your behalf, all agreed third party charges.
- Assist you in obtaining a death certificate and social welfare benefits (if applicable).
- Almost 20% of our business is Cremation and therefore we have a wide knowledge of the process.

Pre Planning
Prearranging your funeral
R. Healy & Son currently hold numerous files of prearranged funerals, where members of the public have arranged their funerals and have the knowledge that their wishes will be carried out when the time comes. Many have also prepaid for their funeral. If you wish to prearrange your funeral do not hesitate to contact us as it is an every week event with us.

Funeral Home
R. Healy & Son prides itself on the location of its funeral home in Pollerton Castle
Carlows first funeral home was built in 1979 in the grounds of Pollerton Castle, a two acre 18th century home.
Pollerton Castle has two private rooms for families to spend precious time with their loved ones prior to removal.
Families are welcome to enjoy the gardens where they can enjoy peace and quiet.